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See photos from Roy’s last trip! (May 2023)

See photos from Roy’s last trip! (May 2023) CLICK HERE OR IMAGE BELOW

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See photos from Roy’s last trip! (May 2023)
See photos from Roy’s last trip! (May 2023) CLICK HERE OR IMAGE BELOW
These videos are more or less in the order that I recommend watching them to understand the full picture. The Netanyahu interview is a short extract from a much longer 2 hour interview which appears in its full length at the bottom of the list. All the Caroline Glick videos, and many more that she has done on the situation in Israel, are at . She is very good on the Middle East situation, but she is quite naive with respect to US internal politics and the role of corruption, and she seems entirely unaware of the workings of the global “Cabal” behind the scenes. However, if you watch these videos you will understand much more deeply than any of the US based pundits or government spokespeople.
Could the current war in Israel and resultant world-wide surge of antisemitism be an attempt to fulfill Islam’s eschatological conditions ?
It was in the month of “Ethanim” when the feast of tabernacles was celebrated, that King Solomon dedicated the temple of the Lord in the city of Jerusalem. The priests who were of the tribe of Lévy, then carried the ark of the covenant and brought it to the temple and placed it behind the veil in the Holy of Holies. The Ark was a rectangular box or chest made of Wood that was made from the wood of the”shetim tree” and was covered with pure gold. On both of its sides were two long poles that were used for carrying the ark. The ark and the poles were covered with pure gold. The lid, called in the Hebrew language “the Kaporet” was made of a solid piece of pure gold, and on both ends there was a cherub fashioned of pure gold with its wings stretched forward Meeting the spread wings of the other cherub. The two Cherubim that faced each other and stretched their wings Forward formed a canopy over the ark. Contained inside of the ark were the two tablets of stone that Moses prepared and Upon these tablets, the 10 Commandments were inscribed. It is written In the holy Scriptures that God Himself, with his finger ,inscribed the words. of the 10 Commandment on the two tablets of stone. The two cherubim facing each other were as two witnesses,witnessing and confirming that God ,himself had made a covenant, a marriage covenant with his people Israel and it was inscribed and signed by God himself.
As the priests who were carrying the ark, placed the ark behind the veil in the Holy of Holies it finally arrived at its permanent resting place after having traveled through the desert with the people of Israel, and in the time of Joshua, being carried by the priests and went before the people into the land of Israel. It was between the two cherubim as scripture said that God dwells.. Immediately after the priests lowered the ark and put it in its permanent resting place the Glorious presence of God. Completely filled the sanctuary At that very moment, the priests quickly exited the temple because they could not stand in the awesome presence of the living God. They. were completely overwhelmed byGod‘s presence.
Once a year on Yom Kippur , the high priest of the family and house Of Aaron entered behind the veil and sprinkled blood upon the lid of the ark of the covenant between the two cherubim . The sprinkling of the blood was performed for the cleansing and the forgiveness of the sins of the people of Israel. The Lord said in his word that the soul of the flesh was in the blood and that he required the blood upon the altar in order to atone For all sins committed
In Israel, today, the day of atonement is a day of great solemnity. Men and women and even children enter the synagogue in the morning and spend the entire day in the synagogue, praying and reciting the traditional liturgical prayers of confession and repentance .Sin is confessed before the Lord and forgiveness is being asked for , all the sins that have been committed. Also, on the eve of the day of atonement the Very solumn prayer called.”Kol Nidre” Is sung and is recited twice. This prayer says: all that I have vowed and all that I have sworn and not performed and not fulfilled, forgive and God make them invalid. Kol Nidre is repeated twice. In the long liturgies. recited and prayed on the day of atonement, the atoning Sprinkling of the blood required for the forgiveness of sin is not to be found, it is absent in the liturgy. Something that is. absolutely. fundamental is missing.
Since the Herodian temple was destroyed in the year, 70 and the priests, could no longer function, offering sacrifices and sprinkling blood, The sacrificial blood for atonement needed for the forgiveness of sin has been missing on the Day of Atonement since that time of great devastation
Many centuries later on the eve of the Passover in the city of Jerusalem, somewhere on Mount Zion in an upper room Yeshuah Of Nazareth was celebrating the Passover with his 12 disciples. After the Passover meal with its special liturgy for the Passover had come to an end Yeshua greatly surprised his disciples when he took the unleavened bread and broke it before them and proclaimed saying.” Take and eat, for this is my body, my flesh broken and given for you, and then he took the chalice Filled with wine and lifted it up and proclaimed, saying “This is the cup of the New Covenant in my blood , all of you drink from this cup. They were all. in the Holy of Holies without realizing it and the blood was once again being sprinkled by the high priest, the Lord. This mysterious Sacramental act would be fulfilled on the Very next day. When Yeshua from the cross cries out his very last words.” it is finished.” And the veil separating the holiest place From the holy place was torn from top to bottom and the way to the tree of life was opened . The Two cherubim remained standing. With their wings spread out, forming a canopy above the throne of God, located in front of the tree of life. as it is written in the prophet Jeremiah chapter 3:16 “ it shall come to pass when you are multiplied and increased in the land in those days says the Lord that they will say no more the ark of the covenant of the Lord it shall not come to mind, nor shall they remember it nor shall they visit it nor shall it be made anymore, verse 17 At that time, Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the Lord, and all the nations shall be gathered to it to the name of the Lord in Jerusalem. ..It was not only on the Passover when Yeshuah” The King of the Jews “cried out “ it is finished “it was also Yom Kippur
There will yet come another transfiguration, When Jacob receives the name, his new name” Israel” The priests of the house of Aaron will be transfigured and become The priests after the order of”Melchizedek
Yes It was Passover, but it was also “Yom Kippur “Yeshuah being the high priest, after the order of Melchizedek was initiating the new covenant with his disciples who were now entering into the new and even better covenant, then the Mosaic Covenant . They too, were becoming priests like their master and Lord” After the order of Melchizedek”Yeshuah as The Eternal High Priest and as the sacrificial lamb of God was offering and sharing his life with his disciples in this very mysterious end Sacrament way. He who made The new covenant with his disciples was also the incarnate One seated on his throne between the two cherubim. He was and he is the fulfillment of all that the Commandments required. He was the new Adam. and he fulfilled everything as the sinless one, the perfect one and the holy one. He is. Emanuel, God with us.
Today Israel is at war seemingly a war for her survival, The people and the Nations of the world are facing her and turning against her as the forces of darkness like black clouds more and more R covering the Earth .It is in fact, a time of crisis, of great crisis that upon us and this crisis is moving Israel forward to the place where she will As a nation lift her head and welcome her Messiah, King, and Lordברוך הבא בשם אדוני crying out these words“ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord “and where Israel will come to understand that the blood of sprinkling has been restored to her but through a much greater and eternal covenant by which all her sins will be forgiven And the nation of Israel will finally become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation through her Messiah Yeshuah HaMaschiach . It will be a Yom Kippur unlike any she has ever celebrated. This will be the day the messianic jubilee year will begin In the land of Israel, and in the city of “ The Great King “ The city of Jerusalem.