May 2023 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Roy now open

Email Roy at with questions, or to be kept informed about the trip.

Registration form is below. Please contact Roy before registering, to see if space might still be available. If so, read the “LEGAL DETAILS AND PILGRIM INFORMATION / REGISTRATION FORM” carefully, fill it out and send it in with the requisite deposit.

October 3, 2022 — Roy’s Oct. 3 dLive show on the blowing up of the Nordstream gas pipeline, Putin’s Sept 30 speech, and the Giorgia Meloni anti-globalism platform.

Roy’s Oct. 3 dLive show on the blowing up of the Nordstream gas pipeline, Putin’s Sept 30 speech, and the Giorgia Meloni anti-globalism platform.

Direct link to the above video on Rumble